Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Super Size Me"-reflection

This week in summer school were talking about the effects of advertising and consumerism in our society today. We began to discus on what the company's methods are for reeling in their consumers. We focused on one specific company...McDonalds. As a class we agreed that McDonalds is specifically targeting young kids, why you may ask? Well this is simply because when young kids see commercials that show there favorite t.v. show or "cool" looking movie toys being sold there, they want to go. With times the way they are today, McDonalds seems to be a solution for a cheep meal that both satisfy parents and their kids. The next day our English teacher brought in a movie...Super Size Me! We started watching it on Tuesday and finished watching the rest of it today. Basically this movie is a document on a guy named Morgan Spurlock. He makes a vow to eat McDonalds for a whole month,( lunch,dinner,and breakfast), and at the end find out the effects of this fast-food once and for all. During this experiment he gets himself sick and and causes serious damage on his body. Over the month he was able to cause his heart, liver and male parts problems...and it was only for a month! Imagine the effects on a person who does that ALL the time. This movie really made me think twice about what i eat and how frequently i eat more fast-food for me!

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