Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Peer Reading

I just read "Gang Days In L.A." by my classmate Joseth.i think its a really good story because he went into very deep detail that many people cant do. He was able to make the details so vivid i could literally see the story happening in my head. The story,how i understood it, was about a young man who plotted to take revenge on a gang who killed someone he was very close to. In the end he got his revenge but when he grew up and had kids of his own, there was a drive by and he was killed trying to protect his kids. He died in his kids arms and they vowed to avenge their father. What i got by this ending was that gang violence is a never ending battle. There will always be a motive in each persons head when they commit these crimes and ruin lives. The only things Joseth could have fixed was his spelling or grammar. I would not have him change his story, it was unexpected and kept me reading. Joseth did very good on his story.

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